Friday, December 1, 2017

Does Energy Healing Really Work?

Energy Healing
Every day, thousands more people all over the world hear about energy healing, a form of alternative medicine that involves tapping on certain parts of the body. For many people, the first time they hear about such a method of natural healing, they're naturally skeptical, if not outright disbelieving. It seems hard to believe that tapping on your hand, wrist, eyebrows, etc., could do much of anything for a person, let alone be a powerful way of healing addictions, phobias, and all kinds of other afflictions people suffer from. So what is the truth about energy healing? Does it really work?
Well, according to most standard medical practitioners, and orthodox scientists, the answer is no, it does not. They say there's no scientific basis for such a therapy, and there's no proof that it actually does anything to relieve sickness of any kind, whether mental, emotional, or physical. But is this the final word? No, because there is an increasing number of medical doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists who believe that energy healing is a very effective, painless, risk free, and inexpensive form of healing. They say it works, and many of them not only say it, they incorporated it into their practices.
To be sure, the first group greatly outnumbers the second group. But the second group is winning converges all the time. And there is a lot of evidence to back them up. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have reported that they've experienced success with using EFT. Thousands of the reports are quite moving, with people telling stories about being delivered from a life long addiction or phobia that had made their lives a living hell for decades. The main medical authorities would write these stories off as nothing more than what's called "anecdotal evidence", and say that they do not prove anything.
But the hundreds of thousands of people who've found help with energy healing would say that their stories are not anecdotes, but proof of the life changing power of energy healing. If you ask any of them "energy healing-does it really work?", The answer would be a resounding yes. And more and more doctors are starting to agree with them. And one of these days the medical establishment will have to pay attention to these countless stories of people being healed with energy healing, and start taking it more seriously. It may take a while, but one of these days even they may admit that energy healing really works.

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