Saturday, December 2, 2017

Self Hypnosis Vs Meditation – Which is Best For You?

Self Hypnosis Vs Meditation
Self hypnosis, or auto hypnosis, is defined as entering the state of hypnosis on one's own, without the assistance and guidance of a hypnotist or hypnotherapist.
The benefits of self hypnosis are similar to those of meditation, because the same brain wave states, chiefly alpha and theta, can be achieved in self hypnosis. Therefore, if one is choosing a method to reach these brain wave states to accrue their beneficial effects, the choice of self hypnosis or meditation is an individual one.
Self hypnosis is more commonly associated with providing suggestion to the subconscious mind with the goal of changing behavior than meditation is; however, meditation upon a given phrase or desired goal can also provide this type of suggestion, so in some ways the lines between the two techniques blur here as well.
The chief differences between self hypnosis and meditation lie in the primary goal and the method of achieving the trance state. The primary goal of self hypnosis is most often to provide positive suggestions for change to the subconscious, while the primary goal for meditation is usually to achieve a relaxed, thought-free state in alpha or theta, with the goal of training the mind.
The method of achieving the trance state is a significant point of difference. While there are a variety of different techniques to achieve either self hypnosis or meditation, self hypnosis is generally achieved in a more structured way, by following a count-in or a proscribed method of tiring the conscious mind by counting objects, etc. Meditation is generally less structured, achieved by either closing one's eyes and repeatedly bringing the focus back to the breathing or focusing on a point such as a flame, while gently releasing thought. If analyzed carefully, someone experienced in both meditation and self hypnosis will recognize that both methods of entering the trance state involve the same mechanisms of tiring the conscious mind, through eye fixation or confusion, etc.
Therefore, since the benefits of entering the trance state (eg, alpha or theta brain wave states) through either technique are similar, and both techniques can be used for relaxation, brain entrainment, and programming the mind with positive suggestions, the choice of meditation or self-hypnosis is really an individual choice. Often this choice comes down to which method works best for the individual to enter the trance state quickly, easily and reliably.

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